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The Northern Spy: 2002 03 22

A.P.P.L.E. is Back

Back in the late seventies and through the eighties, the quintessential user group was the Apple Puget Sound Program Library Exchange (A.P.P.L.E.) later known as TechAlliance. Based near Seattle (hence the name), A.P.P.L.E. provided its members with Apple ][ software collections at low cost, held informational seminars, and published the magazine Call-A.P.P.L.E. Steve Wozniak was an enthusiastic supporter, and the club prospered for a number of years. In 1990, many of its functions were taken in house by Apple, and the club was disbanded.

Now, A.P.P.L.E. is back. Begun by Bill Martens as a historical reclamation and archive project, the new A.P.P.L.E. was founded in early 2002 by Bill Martens, Rick Sutcliffe, Val Golding (the original founder and editor) along with others. Initial efforts will concentrate on resurrecting the old archives and software for the Apple ][ people who are still around, but the club will be a modern one, also carrying Macintosh software libraries, information, and articles.

The first issue of the new Call-A.P.P.L.E. will be Volume 14, number 1, dated May 1, 2002 and will appear April 10. It will carry editorials, details of Steve Jobs' Tokyo speech, a reproduction of material from volume 1, number 1, and, yes, The Northern Spy as a regular column.

The Northern Spy for May and subsequent months will also appear here, but only after they are available on the Call-A.P.P.L.E. site. The column for May is a modified version of a speech given by Rick Sutcliffe at EPIC Con, the convention of the Electronically Published Internet Connection, an association of eBook authors and publishers, coincidentally also held this year in Seattle.

Anyone with an interest in the products of Apple Computer Corp., whether past or present, can join A.P.P.L.E. The magazine, Call-A.P.P.L.E. will be available electronically at CallApple.org, but membership will confer benefits such as access to a bulletin board, the software library, on-line help, and special deals on hardware negotiated by the club from major manufacturers.

Membership costs $25 per year.

User groups are the way to go, folks. They empower little brother and little sister, provide low-cost answers, cooperative solutions to hardware and software problems, open up new horizons, and do it all without creating obligations to the big corporate world. Join up now!

--The Northern Spy

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